Statutory Information

The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations specify that we are obliged to report the following information on our website. Much of it can also be found elsewhere on our site, but for ease, it is contained here.

School contact details

Mrs Paula Ayto (Principal)
Reid Street Primary School
Reid Street
DL3 6EX Tel. 01325 251006

Named contact in school: Mrs Angela Robinson (Business Manager)


Admission arrangements

These can be found at:

Please also refer to the Admissions section of this website.


Ofsted reports

We are a ‘good’ school with an ‘outstanding’ grade for Behaviour and Safety. The most recent report(s) of our school, published by her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills can be found at:


Assessment Results

The data below relate to the most recent academic year – 2022-23.


Early Years Outcomes

38% of pupils achieved ‘Good Level of Development’ (GLD) in Early Years.
To achieve GLD, a pupil must have achieved at least expected in the Early learning Goals within the three Prime Areas of Learning.


Phonics Screening Test

53% of pupils met the government’s required standard in the Phonics Screening test by the end of Year 1. 

54% of pupils met the government’s required standard in the Phonics Screening test by the end of Year 2.


Key Stage 1 (End of Year 2) National Expectation Outcomes

Working at Expected or better Working at Greater Depth
Reading 42% 4%
Writing 33% 0%
Maths 47% 0%
Science 66% N/A
RWM Combined 33% 0%
RWM & Science 33% 0%


Key Stage 2 (End of Year 6) National Expectation Outcomes

Working at Expected or better Achieving High Level of attainment
Reading 75% 19%
Writing 79% 8%
EGPS* 68% 22%
Maths 68% 6%
RWM combined 52% 5%

*English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling


Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 Average Progress – available Dec 2023

Progress Score Reading Writing Maths


Average Scale Scores

Reading Maths EGPS
Average Scale Score 104.2 101.6 102.9


Performance Tables

Our school’s performance data can be accessed on the Department for Education’s website at:



We offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced, creative and which promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural and physical development of pupils at the school. Our curriculum prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life as engaged citizens.

The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that are planned for our pupils and is based on, but also goes beyond – in ways appropriate to our context, the National Curriculum. 

We teach religious education to pupils at every key stage using local SACRE guidance.

We follow the new (2021) Statutory framework for the early years for children in Reception – we were early adopters of this in 2020. We follow the statutory National Curriculum programmes of study for English, mathematics and science from Year 1 to Year 6. Our curriculum matrix maps all subjects, taught discretely or as part of a topic of inter-related study, to ensure progression and content coverage of the National Curriculum in all other subjects. Our planning also makes provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) and for statutory RSHE.

Our curriculum provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge they need to be educated citizens. It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said, and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. It provides an outline of core knowledge around which teachers develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills so that they make good progress (they know more, remember more and are able to do more). We teach our pupils about British values throughout the school year, taking advantage of cultural opportunities, events in the news and our curriculum.

To find out more about our Curriculum, please visit the Curriculum area of our website which includes details of each subject taught via a classroom of links –  or click here.


Structure of our curriculum

Core Subjects




Foundation Subjects

Art and design


Design and technology

Languages (Spanish with an Introduction to French in Y6)




Physical education

*Phonics is taught through the DfE validated systemic synthetic phonics programme: Read Write Inc.


Behaviour Policy

All staff rigorously and consistently follow the school’s Policy for Behaviour which can be found by clicking here.

For Guidance on ‘Prevent Duty’ concerning extremism, please see the ‘Safeguarding’ Policy which can be found on the Policies page of this website. For additional information see the Keeping Children Safe in Education document:–2


Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant was introduced in April 2011. It is an additional funding allocation based on the number of children who are or have been eligible for free school meals in the past six years, the number of children who are Looked After by the local authority (or have been adopted) and the number of children whose parents are in the armed forces. We have undertaken an internal Pupil Premium Review leading to a 3 Year Pupil Premium Strategy. The government announced a time limited Recovery Premium for the period of 2021 to 2024 and introduced the National Tutoring Programme. Statutory reporting of these are included as the Recovery Plan within the Pupil Premium Strategy.

This can be found under the Statutory section of the website under Pupil Premium or by clicking here.


PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools

The PE and sports grant was designed to help primary schools improve the quality and breadth of PE and sports provisions offered to their pupils. The funding the school receives is based upon the number of pupils of primary age within the school. The school continues to increase participation in PE and Sports so that all pupils develop healthy, active lifestyles and realise their potential.

For details about: the funding received; a breakdown of how we spent this funding last year; the effect of this premium on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment and how we will ensure these improvements are sustainable with plans for this year’s spending, please see the Statutory section of the website under PE and Sport Premium, or click here.


Special educational needs (SEND) report

Staff aim to identify children who require additional special educational needs provision as early as possible after they join our school so as to organise appropriate programmes of study to match individual learning needs. Some pupils join us from their pre-school settings having already been assessed for special needs provision. We make use of the expertise available from professional outside agencies where appropriate. Our aim is to ensure that we provide access to all that is made available in order to help us support our children’s special educational needs. In this way we strive to ensure every child’s full inclusion in all aspects of experience at our school.

Our school policy on Special Education Needs follows the most up to date DfE SEN Code of Practice and provides clear guidance for all staff members.

Children’s development and progress is carefully monitored on entering the school. Children considered by staff to be making lower than expected progress will have ‘differentiated’ (modified or individualised) teaching programmes put in place for them by their class teacher.

Our SEND report can be found on the About Us section of the website under SEND and the SEND Policy is on the Policies page of this website. To comply with paragraph 3 of schedule 10 to the Equality Act 2010, the school’s Equality Objectives can be found on the Policies section of this website as can the school’s Accessibility Plan.


Charging and Remissions

As part of their topic work, visits of an educational nature may be planned. A copy of our Charging and Remission Policy can be found in the Policies section by clicking here.


Values and Ethos

At Reid Street we create a culture that enables pupils and staff to excel. We value the autonomy our converter academy status brings, whilst embracing the expectation that we offer a broad curriculum that should be similar in breadth and ambition to that of maintained schools. Our broad and deep progressive curriculum inspires pupils to learn, promotes a sense of enjoyment and fascination about the world and prepares pupils for lives as active members of British society. We endeavour to ensure that, through a well-sequenced, incremental curriculum, links are made with previous learning allowing pupils the opportunity to consolidate and extend upon previous knowledge, skills and vocabulary. We value our longstanding high profile within the community and through our ‘Topic Front Cover’ ensure that valuable community links are an integral part of learning.

Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and, within this, the promotion of fundamental British Values, are at the heart of the school’s work. Through our commitment to excellence, we ensure that each individual pupil fulfils their potential, takes pride in their achievements and is prepared for the next phase of their education as confident, self-assured learners. Developing resilience and independence are key aims of our curriculum.

Equality of opportunity is our central aim; whilst we embed consistent approaches, we also respond to individual needs, challenging and supporting within the caring, secure and welcoming ethos of Reid Street school. We plan carefully, knowing the context of our community and how we can provide the curriculum our pupils need in order to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life. In that way we strive to address social disadvantage and to address typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills.


Requests for copies

Paper copies of any information referred to in this summary may be requested from the school office for which there will be no charge.