We are keen that all of our pupils should wear school uniform. Uniform provides our children with a sense of belonging to the ‘school family’. When in school uniform our children are encouraged to conduct themselves both during and beyond the school day according to the values we promote at school. In this way our school uniform helps us to nurture the development of good manners, respect and consideration for others in the wider community.
Our uniform consists of
- Grey or black skirt or trousers
- Red cardigan, or sweatshirt
- White polo top, shirt or blouse
- ‘Sensible’ shoes*
In the summer many of the girls wear red gingham dresses.
We encourage the wearing of black shoes or trainers to fit with our school uniform.
*The school will enforce a policy of ‘sensible’ footwear at school. Any item of footwear which is unwieldy or extreme will not be permitted in school.
All items of uniform are now available from Elizabeth’s Embroidery or can be purchased from any supplier or high street shop. A school shop is available on the induction day, items can be ordered direct from them on 01642 674973 or by email at http://www.elizabethsschoolwear.coms. Also order forms can be obtained from the school office.
Hayz Boutique in the Cornmill Centre, Darlington offer an alternative for parents to provide their own school jumpers to be embroidered with the School’s own logo. Please contact them directly for pricing information and special offers.
Every year jumpers find their way into our lost property. When they are properly labelled with a laundry marker or name tag we can return them to the owner.
Please help us to help the children to look after their own property by ensuring that all PE kit and uniform is clearly marked with each child’s name.
We appreciate the costs involved in buying school uniform items so please remember:
- You can buy uniform in the correct colours from any supplier (including supermarkets).
- Uniform items do not need to have the school logo on them – this is a parental choice.
- There is a uniform exchange service in Darlington where you can donate items / find things in the right colours.
We will help families wherever possible – speak to Mrs Charlton and / or Mrs Davison.