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In Reception every year we plant sunflower seeds and measure them as they grow
We also use measuring and weighing skills so that we can become good cooks when we make our own playdough. There are lots of opportunities when learning about capacity and size when we play in our mud kitchen and sand pit. However, it can get messy! Finally, after reading the Hungry Caterpillar, we collect fruit to make pictograms.

Year 1

Year 1 had great fun linking work with 2D shapes to create art work in the style of Pablo Picasso. A scary time was had by all to create monsters using 3D shapes.

Year 2

Year 2 have been very busy using their knowledge of 3D shape to create owls for their Science lesson. We compared the distance the owls flew. Also we used maths to work out how to set out a tricky timeline for our History topic. Ordering rocks for size always comes in handy especially when practising our fine motor control!

Year 3

As part of our Mechanism topic in Design and Technology we use measuring skills and in our Egyptian topic we measure the base of our fabulous pyramids to work out the perimeter. We also investigated how much string it would take to mummify a mummy! We wanted to know how our bones grow so we used our measuring skills and found some surprising results.

Year 4

In our topic Invaders Year 4 build a full size replica of a Viking long ship and use their measuring skills to learn what it is like to be a Viking craftsman.

Year 5

When studying our topic on the Titanic we used our knowledge of angles to work out the impact of different angles when it sunk!

Year 6

In Year 6, top of the shop, we have great fun in our Science water topic! We look at latitude and longitude and coordinates and we also design, make and build a pulley system to carry water. We become craftsmen and measure to build the structure and then weigh to see how much our designs can hold. We also do a lot of map reading and looking at scales as well as time zones. In our History topic for WW2 we cook and weigh ingredients and also do conversion between old and new money. Finally, the highlight of the year is spent orienteering at Dukeswood which involves a lot of compass and map reading.